New Catholic Encyclopedia
Férotin, Marius
Benedictine, historian of the liturgy; b. Chateauneuf-du-Rhône, France, Nov. 18, 1855; d. Farnborough, Sept. 15, 1914. Having studied under the monks of Hautecombe, he entered SOLESMES in 1876 and was a monk at SILOS, Spain (1881–92), and FARNBOROUGH, England (1895–1914). An eminent liturgist, he was a specialist in the MOZARABIC RITE and an outstanding historian of Spain. His publications include Catalogo de los manuscriptos del Padre Sarmiento existentes in Silos [Indice... del Padre Sarmiento (Madrid 1888)]; Histoire de l’abbaye de Silos (Paris 1897); Le Liber Ordinum en usage dans l’église wisigothique et mozarabe (Paris 1904); Monumenta ecclesiae liturgica, v.5; Le Liber Mozarabicus sacramentorum et les manuscrits mozarabes (Paris 1912), v.6 of Mon. eccles. lit. He collaborated on the Dictionnaire de la Bible, on the Mois bibliographique (1893–97) v. 1–5; the Bibliothèque de l’École des Chartes (1900–02) v. 61–63, a letter of HUGH OF CLUNY to Bernard of Agen; two Visigothic manuscripts in the library of Ferdinand I, in the Revue des questions historiques [v. 74 (October 1903)], an important article identifying the real author of the Peregrinatio Aetheriae (Silviae).
Bibliography: F. CABROL, Journal of Theological Studies 16 (1914–15) 305–313; Bulletin de S. Martin et S. Benoît (Ligugé 1915) 19–24. F. CABROL and H. LECLERCQ , Dictionnaire d’archéologie chrétienneet de liturgie, ed. F. CABROL, H. LECLERCQ and H. I. MARROU, 15 v. (Paris 1907–53) 5.1:1382–98.
New Catholic Encyclopedia. 2003. Vol. 5. P. 690.
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